Well what can I say it’s December and unlike most adults I actually really love Christmas time. Sure the malls are packed, its cold outside, and having to spend money on presents for others instead of yourself really stinks. But luckily there are ways to help you get through the season without having to stab someone in the gall bladder. Besides the snow, what I really love the most about this time of year is all the comfort food you can enjoy without having to measure your waistline because it’ll be covered up by sweaters. Nothing beats a snowy night of junk food gluttony that’s accompanied by a good ol’ Christmas movie. So I’ve decided to name my favourite get-you-in-the-mood couch potato Christmas movies. Sure most of these films will have suffering and misfortune in them but like I always say, there’s nothing like other peoples miseries to make you feel good about yourself.

National Lampoon's Christmas Vacation: This one stars Chevy Chase and Dennis Quaid’s funny older brother Randy Quaid. Not only is it funny, but it also has a sexy model working at a mall. Bonus points for being made in Chicago.
A Christmas Story: I just love this movie because a ginger kid gets his ass kicked.
The Ref: An awesome Denis Leary movie before he became a commercial sell-out.
Friday After Next: Worth it just to look at the hot chick working at the lingerie store. Bonus Terry Crews is in it.
Bad Santa: 2 words; Fat kid (LOL).
Scrooged: Such a great film, with Bill Murray at his best. Bonus points for Santa fighting off terrorists.
Die Hard 2: Though I loved the 1st Die Hard, number 2 was my favourite because I love airports. Bonus points for Bruce Willis having hair.
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