I guess you can say this is the sneaker that started it all. The Converse All Star was first introduced in 1917. Back in those days, tire and rubber companies were the first to introduce basketball sneakers into the market. It’s amazing that a sneaker that old is still popular today. I guess it goes to show you that something that is simple and well made will always be a classic. Yet admittedly the company did see dark days during the late 90’s, which resulted in Nike buying the company in the early 2000’s. While it was good that Converse sneaker would survive, Nike ownership also meant that the sneakers would now be made in China and with less quality materials. It seems as though contemporary Nike is more concerned with profit, then with quality (but that’s just beating a dead horse).
The last time I wore a pair of Converse All Stars was back in the late 90’s. The shoes look amazing on feet, yet they’re painfully horrible on your feet. Swollen feet, calluses, bloody toes are just a few of the symptoms that I experienced when I used to wear them. Oh and since I grew up in Canada, I also hated how my feet would always be wet because of the snow or rain. So what made me come back to these torture feet chambers? Well, looks and style of course. I just love how they look on my feet. Paired with a nice denim or khaki these shoes are classy. And while I still hate the pain these caused me, I now remedy this problem by wearing insoles, and using them for only a couple of hours at most. With the pain now gone, and so many styles and colours to collect, I will be able to wear the Converse All Star for years to come.
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