Tuesday, August 23, 2011


This year I finally achieved a goal I have wanted to do for many years now, which was invest in the stock market. I first became interested in investing after a high school teacher spoke to the class about it one day. He said that realistically investing was the only way we could achieve a happy life without money problems. Like most teenagers, I always assumed that after university I would be making thousands and wouldn’t care about saving for the future. But that talk the teacher made really hit home, and I looked at my future differently. Shortly after I started a savings account at my bank, and started to read books about investing. As the years passed I did keep to a well managed credit balance on my savings and credit cards, but I never invested in the stock market. The reason for this was because I was too intimidated to do anything. I felt I didn’t have enough money to invest, or I wasn’t knowledgeable enough to know where to being.

Over time, the years passed and I kept feeling awful that I never did anything. Then this year I told myself that I needed to get off my butt and finally jump in head first, and learn about investing along the way through trial and error. I booked an appointment with a bank consultant, and she helped me with my questions and doubts. That meeting led me to finally invest in my favourite company, NKE (nike). I chose Nike because I know it’s a company that is run well, that has room to grow, and that is always on a buy list. Now that it’s been a few months since I bought my stocks, I am finally getting annual reports from this company as a shareholder (booklet pictured). This was exactly how I wanted to learn about investing, because it being Nike keeps me involved in my investments because I am interested enough to read everything about this company and how it works. This is also my advice for anyone else who is also interested in investing; invest in a company that will get you motivated enough to want to know everything about that company so that you’re always involved with your investments.

Nike Biz:
NKE Google:

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