Even though I was born in the early 80’s I never really felt Transformers were a huge part of my childhood. I guess it must be because I was still too young to appreciate them. Especially because there was a continuity in the story line, which made it hard to follow if you missed a couple of episodes. In all honesty saying “not a huge part of my childhood” isn’t really the correct thought I want to express. I think it’s more of a feeling that there was just too many good TV shows to choose from that you couldn’t be a fan of them all. I do however remember having a few toys as a child, and even posing for some pictures with them. There are so many unique things about Transformers that makes them special. The fact that you can have a toy that can transform into 2 different things (a car and robot) makes it twice as fun.
Reflecting on how much I used to like the toys I decided to pick up a few Transformers when they went on sale. The toy that caught my eye was Ironhide. He came packaged in vehicle mode as a truck. I liked how much detail the toy had, which made it almost identical to the real version of a GMC Topkick truck (I’m a big truck fan). Once I opened up the packaging, transforming him took longer than what I expected. I guess people that collect these toys must be pros and just make it look easy when I watch their videos. Once I had Ironhide in robot mode I didn’t really like him that much. I hated his head design and especially his feet. It looked like he had his toenails painted. I then decided to turn him back to a truck and have him only displayed that way. While I’m not overly excited about this model, I am glad I still bought him and believe he is a nice addition to my Transformers collection.
Transformers website:
YouTube link:
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