DC Direct Blammoids! With the current popularity of the latest toy collectable fad being Japanese toys such as Kubrick’s, many North American toy companies are jumping on the bandwagon and producing their own version. DC’s offering this time from its catalogue of superheroes comes in the form of these cute and cubed figures. While mixing a nice element of bright colors and simplistic design, these collectables have come out looking pretty good. My favorite of course has to be the Batman version, which comes with a cape, and will also be released in a retro outfit version later this year. Other characters that are also in the Blammoids catalogue include Superman, the Joker, the Green Lantern, Robin, the Flash, and many more. The toy figures come with movable heads and arms. The packaging is also pretty awesome, because they come with a nice colorful Blammoids logo, the toy is enclosed in a plastic shell, and the back of the packaging shows pictures of the rest of the characters scheduled to release. The price for them is pretty high, but compared to other Japanese collectables it is pretty average. All in all Blammoids are a nice toy release from DC Direct.
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