Boy oh boy do I love poutine. It’s one of those foods that comfort’s you when you think about it or eat it. It was originally created by French-Canadians, and as such they believe the best poutine comes from Quebec. I don’t care where it comes from as long as it tastes good. One of my favorites is from New York Fries, a fast food restaurant here in Canada. To begin with NYF already makes the best fries, better than McDonalds… or better yet they’re both good in their own special ways. NYF likes to keep the skin on the potato which I think makes it taste even better. Now add to that the gravy and cheese curb and you have poutine. I also like to add some ketchup and make it a real mess. Once you dig your fork into the fries drowned in gravy, and as you lift the cheese gets all stringy, and you put it in your mouth and eat it; you are hooked for life my friend. Yum-O!

New York Fries website:
YouTube link: