Every time you see Halle Berry in the news she is typically sporting her famous pixie style haircut. This Halle Berry hairstyle is an excellent short and sassy appearance. Halle Berry’s hairstyle is perfect for her since it fits her face perfect. Today many still admire and try to copy Halle Berry’s short and super short hairstyles. Although over the years Halle Berry has worn her hair in longer styles she is most known for her short cuts.
Halle Berry didn’t start growing out her hairstyle until 2003, prior to that she kept her hair with the short pixie hairstyles. During her short hair period Halle Berry tried out several different techniques for her hair including wearing it very sleek and finished to a very messy appearance. She had equal success with her hairstyles whether she wore it straight, curled or ruffled.
Creating a Halle Berry Hairstyle
The classic Halle Berry short pixie hairstyle is created with skillful razoring by experienced hairdressers to get the wispy style Halle Berry is known for. Most hairdressers agree to this fact when they view photos of a Halle Berry hairstyle. Razoring is the only want to get the slightly flipped end that Halle Berry often wears in her sassy style. You cannot get this appearance to hair without skillful razoring on behalf of a hairdresser.
However, while it may seem simple to get a Halle Berry hairstyle by simply going to your stylist and asking for a razored look it is a little bit more difficult then this. In order to have a razoring hairstyle you will need a hair type and texture that is suitable for this hairstyle. If you have a hair type or texture that isn’t right then a razored hairstyle will just cause too wispy ends and the hair will split very easily. So you should talk with your stylist first and determine if your hair is right for the Halle Berry hairstyle created by razoring. If you don’t have the right hair then your stylist may be able to recommend a similar hairstyle that will give you similar looks and benefits to a Halle Berry hairstyle but without the bad effects of razoring your hair.
Hairstylists have mentioned that the best hair type of this hairstyle is those who have a texture that creates a good wispy quality without curling up as a result of the fracturing. Hair that is fragile is not a good candidate for this type of hairstyle since it will not cause the desired appearance.
If a short pixie hairstyle is right for you and works with your hair type and texture then you can enjoy the admiration for your fashion knowledge just as Halle Berry has been acknowledge for her choice of hairstyle as well as her icon status for starting the popularity of the short and super short hairstyle. But to create a unique approach for yourself always consider how you can change the hairstyle and design something that is specifically unique to you and your appearance. This way you will not only be known for a Halle Berry hairstyle but you will be known for your own unique hairstyle that others will want to copy as well.
courtesy: http://www.ultimate-cosmetics.com
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