So I've been contemplating a rather big change in my life for the last few months: whether or not I should change my hair color. A blonde from birth (and now with the assistance of peroxide) I've always had long, bright blonde hair. People expect you to act a certain way when you're blonde: either a ditz, harlot, innocent girl-child, or frigid ice-queen. I have come to the conclusion that I want to be a redhead. Not just that, I want that powerful bright Jane Asher red that people can see from a mile away.
I have always envied the Lindsay Lohans of the world who were born with red hair, and I never understood why they would want to change that gorgeous color to bland blond. Some of the most powerful women throughout history have been gingers. Queen Elizabeth was a red head. So was Ginger Spice (aka Geri Halliwell). Red hair evokes the feelings of power, action, and fiery tempers. They go out and do what they want, follow what they believe, and don't take no from anybody. So tonight, I want to be a redhead. Now I just have to conjure up my inner ginger girl and actually do it.

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