Something Ironic about my love of Halloween is that I do not like Horror/Scary Movies. Sure I like blood and guts, but I don't like to be freaked out or scared. However, I always thought it would be cool to get some ghost hunting gear and go out to search for ghosts, but I would get freaked out, or rather I would psych myself out. Think things that were not there, see things that were not there. Still I wouldn't mind trying it as long as I had something to fend off the ghosties.
I think the coolest part of Halloween is the opportunity to dress up as whatever one wishes and go out in public. Almost every year I dress up for Halloween. I usually make my own costumes or purchase things at Thrifts stores to create a costume. I usually spend alot, the most I have spent was around $300. Once Halloween is over, I instantly think of what I am going to be the next year. Yeah, I know I am a freak.
Things that I have dressed up as and can remember include...
In Elementary School: Tiger, Cougar
In Elementary School: Tiger, Cougar
In Junior High: Pauly Shore from Encino Man, Wayne from Wayne's World
In High School: Witch, Hippie
In College: A Black Cat, Rogue from X-Men, Tomb Raider, Legolas from LOTR, Shinigami from the Bleach Anime series.
Shinigami from Bleach anime.
Legolas from Lord of the Rings...yeah, I know it is a guy character, so what!
This wasn't for Halloween,but me and my buddies from Film Production Class filmed a spoof cop film.

I was told from my friend Travis McFarland (aka. Von) that I looked like Robin from the Witch Hunter Robin anime series, so I thought I would be her for Halloween one year. I started to make the costume, but I still have yet to complete it. This is what it would look a bit like...
This year I will attempt to be steampunk. If you do not know what that is...look it up. Think Van Helsing and Wild Wild West.
I will try to find more pics of my past costumes and post them on here.
I wish there was some sort of Masquerade Ball at the Capitol or somewhere that was for 21 and older, where they would play classical music and everyone would ballroom dance. Where you had to wear 18th and 19th Century gowns and tuxedos and a mask or you would not be admitted. Think of the scene on the movie Van Helsing where Kate Beckinsale is at Dracula's Place and everyone is dancing. Now that would be cool!

I will try to find more pics of my past costumes and post them on here.
I wish there was some sort of Masquerade Ball at the Capitol or somewhere that was for 21 and older, where they would play classical music and everyone would ballroom dance. Where you had to wear 18th and 19th Century gowns and tuxedos and a mask or you would not be admitted. Think of the scene on the movie Van Helsing where Kate Beckinsale is at Dracula's Place and everyone is dancing. Now that would be cool!

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